Risk-Free Asset
INTRODUCTION OF THE RISK-FREE ASSET: The first assumption of capital market theory listed above is that investors can borrow and lend at the risk-free rate. Although the introduction of a risk-free asset appears to be a simple step to take in the evolution of portfolio and capital market theory, it is a very significant step. In fact, it is the introduction of a risk-free asset that allows us to develop capital market theory from portfolio theory. With the introduction of a risk-free asset, investors can now invest part of their wealth in this asset and the remainder in any of the risky portfolios in the Markowitz efficient set. This allows Markowitz portfolio theory to be extended in such a way that the efficient frontier is completely changed, which in turn leads to a general theory for pricing assets under uncertainty. Defining a Risk-Free Asset: An asset which an indubitable return is a risk-free asset. This type of asset has a definite future return, regardl...