Risk of a Single Asset
Risk of a Single Asset: The concept of risk can be developed by first considering a single asset held in isolation. We can look at expected-return behaviors to assess risk, and statistics can be used to measure it. Risk Assessment: Sensitivity Analysis (Scenario Analysis) and Probability Distributions can be used to assess the general level of risk embodied in a given asset. Sensitivity Analysis: Sensitivity analysis uses several possible-return estimates to obtain a sense of the variability among outcomes. One common method involves making pessimistic (worst), most likely (expected), and optimistic (best) estimates of the returns associated with a given asset. In this case, the asset’s risk can be measured by the range of returns. The range is found by subtracting the pessimistic outcome from the optimistic outcome. The greater the range, the more variability, or risk, the asset is said to have. Although the use of sensitivity analysis and the range is rather crude, it does...